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Flocknote - Online Community
Join the St. Mary Flocknote Community!
Text SMOTAVA to 84576 to automatically sign-up!
You can also click on the “Subscribe Flocknote” sheep image to the left and enter your name, email and cell number and you are ready to go!
Why sign up?
St. Mary’s adopted a new and improved way of communicating powered by a service called Flocknote. We send a "note" to our "flock". Flocknote. It allows our leadership to communicate more easily and effectively and get feedback from our Parish Community.
Using this platform allows us to easily send you the information you care about most via email and/or text message and gives you the ability to provide essential feedback to improve the Parish. In addition to any groups or ministries you may sign-up for to receive communications (Food Pantry, Religious Education, etc.), we can also use Flocknote to send you inclement weather announcements, updates about special events and other important information.