Parish Council

The Parish Council (or Pastoral Council as it is sometimes called) consists of the deacons and members of the parish community appointed by the pastor as a consultative body to advise him on pastoral and practical matters impacting the parish. These matters encompass the formation of the parish community, the proclamation of the Gospel, celebration of the sacraments, and service to the parishioners and the local community. The members assist the pastor to understand the needs of the parish community and make informed decisions regarding parish activities, plans, initiatives, and other matters effecting the overall direction of the parish.

One leader is generally selected from among the various committees and ministry groups by their respective members for the pastor’s approval to serve on the Parish Council and provide ongoing information to the Parish Council and broader parish about their activities and concerns. Parish Council members serve a three-year term.

The Parish Council embodies and promotes the Church’s mission to live and communicate Christ’s love in the community and the world. It shares in the responsibility of the ongoing life and development of the parish faith community while working with parishioners to provide support to their efforts to live as followers of Christ.

More information can be found in the Diocesan Guidelines for Pastoral Councils


Have a question or concern for a member of the Parish council?

Please use the form below and a representative from the Parish Council will respond to you soon. Thank you & have a blessed day!


Fr. Godfred Appiah-Marfo
Deacon Dave Geary
Deacon Frank Leaming

Chair: Jim Kuh
Vice-Chair: Denise Crothers
Barbara & Don Logan
Bette & Gerry Moore
Eva Ortiz
Gina Holewa
Gloria Bolecek
Jose Lugo
Kari Campbell
Penny Geary
Ray Slaughter
Rita Blankenbaker
Valerie Sparks