Finance Council

The Finance Council oversees the financial interests of Saint Mary of the Annunciation Catholic Church in its mission to proclaim Christ's message in word and action. The duties include:

  • Ensuring that proper financial records are maintained for all parish assets and liabilities, revenues and expenses in accordance with the Chart of Accounts approved by the Diocese of Richmond.

  • Assisting the Pastor, with the help of the parish administrative staff, to develop a balanced parish budget for each fiscal year according to the priorities and goals set by the Pastoral Council and approved by the Pastor.

  • Providing assistance to the Pastor in compiling an annual report of the parish's finances which is to be sent to the Bishop by August 15 of each year.

  • Exercising oversight over all parish investments and finances. 

Membership in the Parish Finance Council consists of four or more members of the parish community appointed by the Pastor for a three-year term. Persons are selected for their expertise in economics, general business management, banking, law, accounting and financial investment.

Members must have prudence, uprightness and knowledge of the Catholic faith that will enable them to put into practice the message of the Gospel. The Finance Council meets monthly throughout the year.


Fr. Godfred Appiah-Marfo

Chair: Tina Sebak
Robert Wolter
George Rung
Stephen Coker